ita purnamasari,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif PKn siswa kelas IV melalui model
cooperative learning tipe TGT (Teams Games Tournament) di SD N Sendangsari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
tindakan kelas. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 27 siswa kelas IV SD N. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan
tes, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan soal tes dan lembar observasi. Teknik
analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Kriteria keberhasilan adalah ketuntasan belajar
siswa dalam satu kelas telah memenuhi Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) mata pelajaran PKn yang telah ditetapkan
SD N Sendangsari yaitu 75. Pembelajaran dikatakan tuntas apabila >75% siswa yang hadir telah memenuhi KKM. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar kognitif PKn siswa kelas IV di SD N Sendangsari dapat mengalami
peningkatan setelah dilakukan pembelajaran menggunakan model cooperative learning tipe TGT. Hal ini dibuktikan
dengan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif PKn dari pra tindakan ke siklus I, yaitudari 27 siswa, nilai rata-rata PKn
adalah 67 dan berada pada kriteria rendah (33,333%). Setelah dilakukan tindakan pada siklus I, rata-rata nilai PKn
meningkat menjadi 75,37 dan berada pada kriteria cukup (62,963%). Pada siklus II rata-rata nilai PKn meningkat lagi
menjadi 83,15 dan berada pada kriteria tinggi (88,889%).
Kata kunci : hasil belajar kognitif PKn, model cooperative learning tipe TGT, Sekolah Dasar

This study aimed to improve the cognitive learning achievement of Civic Education among Grade IV students
throught Teams Games Tournament (TGT) of the cooperative learning model at Public Elementary School of
Sendangsari. This was an action research study. The research subjects were 27 students of Grade IV of Public
Elementary School of Sendangsari. The data collection techiques were the test, observation, interview, and
documentation. The research instruments were test papers and observation sheets. The data analysis techniques were
quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The success criterion was all student’s learning mastery in the classroom
satisfied the Minimum Mastery Criterion (MMC) of Civic Education set by Public Elementary School of Sendangsari,
namely 75. The learning reached the mastery in the level when >75% of the present students attained the MMC. The
results of the study showed that the cognitive learning achievement of Civic Education among Grade IV students Public
Elementary School of Sendangsari improved after the cognitive learning of Civic Education through TGT of the
cooperative learning model was implemented. This was indicated by the improvement of the cognitive learning
achievement of Civic Education from the pre-cycle to Cycle I; of 27 students, the Civic Education mean score was 67,
which was low (33.333%). After the action was implemented in Cycle I, it improved to 75.37, which was fair (62.963%).
In Cycle II, it improved to 83.15, which was high (88.889%).
Keywords: cognitive learning achievement of Civic Education, TGT of cooperative learning, Elementary school

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