Efektivitas meme pada akun Twitter masa kebijakan WFH (komparasi engagement tipe post akun @memefess)

Anton Kusumawardani, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Benni Setiawan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan tingkat engagement ditinjau dari reply, retweet, dan likes pada tipe post Twitter. Sebagai penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pengujian hipotesis ex post facto, penelitian ini memiliki 3021 sumber data post. Penetapan sumber data mengacu pada kebijakan Work From Home (WFH) 16 Maret - 29 Mei 2020, melalui pernyataan resmi Dwi Wahyu Atmaji selaku Sekretaris Kementerian PANRB yang telah dipertimbangkan terhadap Keppres Nomor 11 dan 12 Tahun 2020. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tipe post pada foto dan video ditinjau dari reply dengan nilai signifikasi 0,013; retweet 0,000; likes 0,003. 2) Tingkat engagement tipe post foto lebih besar daripada video ditinjau dari reply, retweet, likes. 3) Terdapat perbedaan yang siginifikan antara tipe post foto dan GIF ditinjau dari reply dengan nilai signifikasi 0,013; retweet 0,000; likes 0,003. 4) Tingkat engagement tipe post foto lebih besar dari GIF ditinjau dari reply, retweet, likes. 5) Tidak ada perbedaan antara tipe post video dan GIF ditinjau dari reply dengan nilai signifikasi 1,000; retweet 1,000; likes 1,000. 6) Tipe post video dan GIF memiliki tingkat engagement yang sama baik ditinjau dari reply, retweet, likes.


This study aims to determine the comparison level of engagement in terms of replies, retweets, and likes on types of Twitter posts. As quantitative research on using ex post facto method of hypothesis testing, this study has 3021 data sources post. The determination of the data source refers to the policy of Work From Home (WFH) March 16 - May 29 2020, through an official statement by Dwi Wahyu Atmaji as Secretary of the Ministry of PANRB which has been considered against Presidential Decrees No. 11 and 12 of 2020. The results showed that: 1) There was a significant difference between types of posts in the photo and videos in terms of replies with a significance value of 0,013; retweets 0,000; likes 0,003. 2) The level of engagement of types post photo is greater than videos in terms of replies, retweets, and likes. 3) There was a significant difference between types of posts in the photo and GIF in terms of replies with a significance value of 0,013; retweets 0,000; likes 0,003. 4) The level of engagement of types post photo is greater than GIF in terms of replies, retweets, and likes. 5) There is no difference between types of post in the videos and GIF in terms of replies with a significance value of 1,000; retweets 1,000; likes 1,000. 6) Types post videos and GIF have the level of engagement same in terms of replies, retweets, likes.


Twitter, Memefess, Post Type, Engagement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/lektur.v6i2.20131


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