Yoga Bagaswara,


Sepatu roda merupakan olahraga modern yang yang sedang berkembang di Yogyakarta. Tim Pra
PON Perserosi DIY memiliki 16 atlet yang akan di berangkatkan dalam ajang tersebut. Suatu hari peneliti
diminta untuk membantu melatih Club sepatu roda EMIC Sleman. Ketika awal melatih banyak atlet yang
mengeluhkan sakit atau nyeri di bagian betis dan lutut, dan juga ketika peneliti mengamati pertandingan
sepatu roda di ajang HB X cup Mei 2014 peneliti melihat ada beberapa atlet yang mengalami kecelakaan
ketika pertandingan atau race dilangsungkan. Sampai saat ini potensi cedera yang terjadi pada atlet sepatu
roda belum diketahui untuk itu penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
frekuensi cedera yang terjadi pada atlet sepato roda.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan metode survey. Sampel dalam
penelitian ini adalah 16 orang atlet yang tergabung dalam Tim Pra Pon 2015 Perserosi DIY. Penelitian ini
mengidentifikasi tingkat potensi cedera dapat yang terjadi pada atlet sepatu roda. Teknik pengambilan
data menggunakan angket dengan jumlah 67 butir pertanyaan meliputi lokasi dan jenis cedera, faktor
penyebab cedera, waktu kejadian, dan juga alat keamanan yang digunakan. Analisis data menggunakan
analisis data deskriptif persentase.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa cedera yang terjadi pada atlet sepatu roda meliputi cedera ankle
18%, lutut 18%, tungkai bawah 14%, tungkai atas 13%, siku 12%, jari dan pergelangan tangan 12 %,
pinggang 7%, panggul 5%. Cedera yang terjadi disebabkan karena karena terpeleset 14%, kondisi cuaca
13%, kondisi lintasan 13%, bentuk lintasan 12%, tabrakan antar atlet 11%, salah mengambil tikungan
11%, latihan berat terlalu lama 11%, kondisi sepatu roda 9% yang terakhir karena menabrak pagar
pembatas lintasan 7%. Terjadinya cedera banyak terjadi saat latihan onskate 35%, race 25%, warm-up
22%, dan saat latihan (dryland/offskate) 18%. Alat kemanan yang sering digunakan Helm 42%, sarung
tangan 33%, kacamata 11%, knee pad 9%, dan elbow pad 5%.
Kata kunci : frekuensi, cedera, atlet sepatu roda
Rollerblading was a modern sport wich is now growing in Yogyakarta. The team for Pre National Sport
Week Event from Yogyakarta’s Perserosi had 16 athletes who would be registered in the event. One day the
researcher was asked to help coaching EMIC Sleman Skate Club. In the beginning of the training, there were many
athletes who complained of pain or experienced some pain in the calf and knee, and when the researcher looked at
the match in the arena of HB X Cup held in May 2014 reseacher found that there were some athletes who had some
accident during the race. Until now potential injuries that occurred in skates are still unknown and it was the main
reason why the researcher conducted this study. The researcher aimed in figure out the frequency of injuries the
experienced by rollerblading athletes.
This reseach was a descriptive study using survey method. The sample was 16 athletes who joined the team
of 2015 Pre National Sport Week Event Special Region of Yogyakarta’s Perserosi. The research identified the level
of potential injuries that might occur. The data collection technique was using a questionnaire with 67 question
items including the location and type of injury, the cause of the injury, time of occurrence, as well as the protector
used. The data analysis was using the descriptive analysis with percentage.
The result showed that the injuries tha occurred in rollerblading were the ankle injury for about 18%, the
knee injury for about 18%, the lower limbs injury for about 14%, the upper limbs for about 13%, elbow injury for
about 12%, finger injury for about 12%, waist injury at 7%, pelvic injury at 5%. The injuries that occurred due to
slip were at 14%, due to the weather condition at 13%, due the track condition were at 13%, due the shape of the
track were at 12%, due to the collisions between the athletes were at 11%, due to the mistakes in cornering were at
2 FREKUENSI CEDERA ATLET .... (Yoga Bagaswara)
11%, due to the overtraining were at 11%, due to the conditions of rollerblade were at 9%, and due to colliding
the fence bar wer at 7%. The occurred of many injuries occurred during the onskate practice was at 35%, during
the race were at 25%, during the warm-up was at 22%, and during the exercise (dryland/offskate) was at 18%. The
protector items that were often used were helm at 42%, gloves at 33%, glasses at 11%, knee pads at 9%, and elbow
pads at 5%.
Keywords: frequency, Injury, Rollerblading athletes

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