Muh Fatkhul Arif, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan layanan fasilitas di GOR
Lembupeteng. Faktor kepuasan tersebut ialah tangiable (bukti langsung), reliability (keandalan),
empathy (empati), responsivenes (daya tanggap) dan assurances (jaminan). Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Subjek penelitian ini ialah pengguna GOR
Lembupeteng yang berjumlah 52 responden. Teknik dalam pengambilan sampel ialah metode sampel
kebetulan (accidental sampling). Variabel dalam penelitian ini ialah variabel tunggal yaitu tingkat
kepuasan konsumen terhadap pelayanan GOR Lembupeteng. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket.
Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian analisis
tingkat kepuasan layanan fasilitas GOR Lembupeteng ialah kategori puas sebesar 69,2%. Dilihat dari
faktor-faktor kepuasan layanan fasilitas GOR Lembupeteng mendapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: faktor
bukti langsung masuk dalam kategori puas sebesar 80,8%; faktor keandalan masuk dalam kategori
puas sebesar 46,2%; faktor empati masuk dalam kategori puas sebesar 65,4%. faktor daya tanggap
masuk dalam kategori puas sebesar 71,2%; faktor jaminan masuk dalam kategori puas sebesar 48,1%.
Disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan layanan fasilitas GOR Lembupeteng mempunyai kategori

Kata kunci: Kepuasan, Layanan Fasilitas

The study aims to know the level satisfaction services facility sport of Lembupeteng. Factor of
satisfaction service facility is tangiable, reliability, empathy, responsivenes, and assurances. The
research is a research sort of descriptive set of quantitative and survey methods. The subject research
is a users sport facility of Lembupeteng a total is 52 people. Techniques in sampling is accidental
sampling. Variables this research is variables are single, this is the level satisfaction consumers to
services facility sport of Lembupeteng. Data collected by sheet inqiry. Analysis of data done with it
through statistical analysis descriptive with the presentation a percentage. The research of analysis
level satisfaction facility sport of Lembupeteng is category satisfied with percentage by 69,2%. Based
on from factor the level satisfaction services faility sport of Lembupeteng getting these results:
categories of tangiable is satisfied with percentage by 80,8%, categories of reliability is satisfied with
percentage by 46,2%, categories of empathy is satisfied with percentage by 65,4%. categories of
responsivenes is satisfied with percentage by 71,2%, categories of assurance is satisfied with
percentage by 48,1%. It is concluded that the level satisfaction services facility sport of Lembupeteng
have a category satisfied.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Service facility


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