Nanda Oktarina Aditya, , Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine: 1. Characteristics of elderly
women, 2. Social activities elderly women, 3. economic activity elderly women,
elderly women, 4. Motivation for social activities, 5. Motivation elderly women to
perform activities economy.
This research is quantitative descriptive, research sites is in the village of
Condongcatur. The study population was elderly women in the village of 2.867
inhabitants Condongcatur ie. Samples region selected by using purposive
sampling, elected Hamlet cottage as representing characteristic rural village and
hamlet Gempol representing urban characteristics. Technique of determining the
number of samples using Slovin formula with 90% confidence level that is 78
people. Sampling technique is proportional random sampling taken at random.
Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation.
Data processing techniques include editing, coding and tabulation. The data
analysis technique is quantitative descriptive analysis presented in the form of a
frequency table.
The results showed that: 1. The characteristics of older women, namely:
a. Qualification of respondents in Hamlet Gempol higher than in Hamlet cottage,
b. Respondents were married in Dusun Pondok more than in Hamlet Gempol so
the selection and residence status in the household in the hamlet cottage also more
likely to participate husband and became a member of the household husband, c.
Number of children in Dusun Pondok respondents more than in Hamlet Gempol,
d. The health condition of respondents last month in Dusun Pondok better than in
Hamlet Gempol, 2. Social activities namely older women: a. Frequency of
respondents met and gather the family in the hamlet cottage more often than in the
hamlet Gempol, b. The second respondent relations with the neighboring hamlet
is very familiar, c. Respondents in Dusun Pondok more active in social activities
than respondents in Hamlet Gempol, 3. economic activity, namely older women:
a. Respondents working in Dusun Pondok more than in Hamlet Gempol, b. field
occupation in Hamlet Hamlet cottage is the agricultural and Gempol is trading, 4.
Motivation elderly women to perform social activities due to the function of
social, economic, and education, 5. Motivation elderly women perform economic
activity is the frequency of child assistance, home income less stairs, and do not
want to rely on others

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