Yuni Faridatul Fatimah, , Indonesia


This study aims to determine: 1) The process of making pottery Kasongan; 2) Various kinds of pottery Kasongan product innovation; 3) Map pottery Kasongan product marketing; 4) barriers that exist in the pottery industry Kasongan; 5) Efforts to overcome the barriers that exist in the pottery industry Kasongan; 6) The relationship of capital by the amount of labor in the pottery industry Kasongan. This research is descriptive. The population in this study was 582 artisans, the sampling technique with Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, using Slovin formula with an error level of 10 %, the number of samples obtained were 85 craftsmen. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative analysis with frequency table. The results showed that: 1) The process of making pottery includes the preparation, processing materials, earthenware body formation, drying, firing, and finishing. Techniques earthenware body formation is done in two ways, namely a). Rotary techniques and b). Printing techniques; 2) Various product innovations such Kasongan earthenware jars, souvenirs, figurines large, long pot, wuwung (decoration on the roof of the house); 3) Marketing pottery Kasongan include marketing at home and abroad, domestic marketing to Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Solo, Boyolali, Semarang, Magelang, Cilacap, Wonosobo, Surabaya, Bandung, Bali, Makassar, Papua, West Kalimantan, Lampung, West Sumatra, and Aceh. Overseas marketing to Negara Malaysia, India, Australia, USA, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, and Europe; pottery sales turnover in 2008 with the highest turnover in the country amounted to 13.5 billion and abroad of 15.7 billion; 4) Barriers in the pottery industry Kasongan include: a). Physical barriers (natural) form barriers season, b). Obstacles in the process of making a difficult form of the model, c). Marketing barriers in the form of competition with other products, d). Barriers fragile products; 5) Efforts to overcome barriers include: a). Using a dryer machine pottery, b). Practicing create new designs, c). Create a media campaign with print and electronic media, d). Perfect combustion process; 6) The relationship of capital and labor has a positive relationship because the more the number of labor, the greater capital issued by craftsmen

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