Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) merancang-bangun sistem kontrol suhu kompor batik listrik agar bahan malam stabil pada range suhu 60ºC sampai dengan 70ºC, (2) mengetahui fungsi transfer sistem kontrol suhu kompor batik listrik, dan (3) mengetahui daya rata-rata yang digunakan kompor batik listrik. Rancang bangun sistem kontrol suhu ini dilakukan dengan merangkai sensor PT-100, komparator LM393, saklar transistor dan relay serta pemanas nikelin yang ditempelkan di bawah tungku keramik setelah semua komponen terkarakterisasi. Fungsi transfer ditentukan dengan menganalisis hubungan keluaran dan masukan setiap komponen yang digunakan. Daya rata-rata yang digunakan dapat dihitung dengan menjumlah energi saat ON dan OFF per satuan waktu. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) telah dirancang sistem kontrol suhu kompor batik listrik dengan diameter pemanas nikelin (0,150 ± 0,005) mm dan panjang (2,230±0,005) m yang berhasil mengontrol suhu bahan malam klowong antara 60ºC - 70ºC, bahan malam tembok antara 60ºC - 71ºC dan bahan malam songkal antara 60ºC - 70ºC, (2) fungsi transfer pada rancang bangun kompor batik listrik ini adalah dengan , dan (3) daya yang diperlukan kompor batik listrik ini adalah 59 watt. Kata kunci: sistem kontrol, suhu, bahan malam. Abstract This research aimed (1) to design a temperature control system of electric batik stove to stabilize the candle temperature in the range of 60 up to 70 , (2) to know the transfer function of electric batik stove temperature control system, and (3) to know the average power used by electric batik stove. The design of this temperature control system was done by assembling PT-100 sensor, LM393 comparator, transistor and relay switches, and nickel heater which was patched under ceramic furnace after all components were characterized. The transfer function was determined by analyzing the output and input relations of each component which were used. The average power used can be calculated from ON and OFF energy per time unit. The results of this research were (1) temperature control system of electric batik stove had been designed with a diameter of nickel heater (0.150 ± 0.005) mm and (2,230 ± 0.005) m length which successfully controled the temperature of the “klowong” candle between 60ºC - 70ºC, the “tembok” candle between 60ºC - 71ºC and the “songkal” candle between 60ºC - 70ºC, (2) The transfer function of electric batik stove was with and (3) the power required by this electric batik stove was 59 watts. Key word : control system, temperature, candle.
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