Pramudito Pramudito, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan dihasilkannya alat permainan edukatif Maze Bangun Datar yang layak untuk mata pelajaran Matematika bagi siswa kelas 2 SD Negeri Karangmulyo Purwodadi Purworejo. Media ini diharapkan mampu menjadi media pembelajan alternatif tentang bangun datar. Pengembangan Alat Permainan Edukatif Maze Bangun Datar ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan model Borg and Gall (Research and Development) yang dimodifikasi menjadi 9 tahap: penelitian dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan produk awal, uji coba lapangan awal, revisi produk hasil uji coba lapangan awal, uji coba lapangan utama, revisi produk hasil uji coba lapangan utama, uji coba pelaksanaan lapangan, penyempurnaan produk akhir. Produk diuji cobakan kepada anak siswa melalui tiga tahap uji validasi yaitu uji coba lapangan awal kepada 4 siswa, uji coba lapangan utama kepada 8 siswa dan uji coba pelaksanaan lapangan kepada 16 siswa. Kelayakan produk didasarkan pada hasil penilaian ahli materi, ahli media dan siswa kelas 2 SD Negeri Karangmulyo, Purwodadi, Purworejo sebagai subjek uji coba. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data berupa deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mengembangkan Alat Permainan Edukatif Maze Bangun Datar menggunakan 9 tahapan pengembangan menurut Borg & Gall dinyatakan layak. Hal ini didukung dari hasil penilaian produk yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa Maze Bangun Datar dinyatakan sangat baik (4,30), hasil penilaian produk oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa Maze Bangun Datar dinyatakan baik (4,15). hasil uji coba lapangan awal dinyatakan layak (0,93), hasil uji coba lapangan utama dinyatakan layak (0,95) dan hasil uji coba pelaksanaan lapangan dinyatakan layak (0,98).
Kata kunci: Alat Permainan Edukatif, Maze Bangun Datar, Matematika, Sekolah Dasar

This research aims at the generation of educational gaming device Plane Maze for Mathematical subjects for the students of class 2 SD Negeri Karangmulyo Purwodadi Purworejo. This media is expected to be the alternative pembelajan media about plane. Development of Educative Game Maze Plane using the Borg and model development research Gall (Research and Development) are modified into 9 stages: research and data collection, planning, early product development, initial field trials, product revision results of initial field trials, major field trials, product revision main results of field trials, field trials implementation, consummation of the final product. Products are tested to the students through the three stages of validation test is the initial field trials to 4 students, the main field trials to 8 students and trial implementation of the field to 16 students. The feasibility of the product based on the results of the expert assessment material, media experts and students of class 2 SD Negeri Karangmulyo, Purwodadi, Purworejo as a test subject. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and question form. Quantitative descriptive analysis of the data in the form. The results showed that developing Maze Games Educational Tool Bangun Datar 9 stages of development according to Borg & Gall declared eligible. It is supported from the results of the assessment of products which have been carried out by the experts of the material shows that Maze Plane stated very well (4.30), the results of the assessment of products by media experts pointed out that Maze Plane revealed good (4.15). the initial field trial results were declared worthy (0,93), the results of the field trials were declared worthy (0.95) and implementation of field trial results were declared worthy (0.98).
Keywords: Educative Game, Plane, Maze, Math, Elementary School.

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