Amanda Risky Amalia, Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi model Kirkpatrick. Objek penelitian yaitu, lecturer, penyelenggara program dan peserta pelatihan dengan menggunakan Purposive Sampling melalui teknik pengumpulan data wawancara,observasi dan dokumentasi. Tahapan Learning jumlah data sebanyak 25 orang,untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahun peserta program CDP Customer Service Angkatan 2 tahun 2018 melalui hasil pre-test dan Post test. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Tahap Reaction pada aspek materi sesuai dengan tujuan pelatihan,aspek kualitas penyajian materi sangat bervariasi melalui Knowledge Management System yang terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu, Digital Library,Brishare dan Smartube, Aspek Lecturer tidak menjalankan perannya sebagai course manager,Aspek fasilitas belum optimal. 2) Tahap learning,Peningkatan pemahaman peserta pelatihan dapat terlihat dari hasil pre-test dengan presentasi 56% (sedang) dan hasil Post test dengan presentase sebesar 100%(sangat tinggi) terjadi peningkatan pemahaman sebesar 44%.
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi,E-learning,Kirkpatrick

This evaluation research using Kirkpatrick model. The research object is, lecturer, program organizer and trainee by using purposive sampling through data collecting technique of interview, observation and documentation. Stages of Learning amount of data counted 25 people, to measure the level of knowledge of participants of CDP Customer Service program for 2 years 2018 through pre-test and Post test.
The results of this evaluation research is: 1) Reaction Stage, on the material aspect in accordance with the training objectives, Aspects of the quality of material presentation vary widely through knowledge management system that is divided into Digital Library,Brishare dan Smartube,lecturer aspect does not play a role as course manager, Aspect of the facility has not been optimal. 2) Learning Stage, Improving the understanding of the participants can be seen from the results of pre-test (self learning) with presentation 56% (medium) and increased knowledge measured through the results of Post test with percentage of 100% (very high) an increase of 44%.
Keyword: Evaluation, E-learning,Kirkpatrick

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