Setiadi Nugroho,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) pelaksanaan karakter ULIL ALBAB dalam bidang akademik, (2) karakter ULIL ALBAB dalam bidang non akademik, dan (3) kendala pelaksanaan karakter ULIL ALBAB pada kultur Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. (1) Penerapan karakter unggul dibidang akademik berjalan dengan baik terdapat program les tambahan, dan bimbingan dari Bimbingan dan Konseling menghasilkan lulusan tahun 2018 diterima di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri sejumlah 77%  yaitu 175 dari 228 siswa, perolehan nilai UN terdapat peningkatan peringkat se-DIY yaitu peringkat 26 menjadi 22. Penerapan karakter ilmiah terdapat perlombaan KTI dan penelitian, terdapat prestasi skala internasional di Malaysia tahun 2018. (2) Penerapan karakter dibidang non akademik yaitu pada karakter amaliyah terdapat program rutin seperti kunjungan ke panti asuhan, etika terhadap guru sudah baik, tetapi etika dengan teman sebaya perlu perbaikan. Penerapan karakter ibadah di madrasah terdapat ibadah wajib seperti sholat dhuhur berjamaah, dan ibadah sunnah seperti dzikir dan sholat dhuha, pada kegiatan baca Al – Quran siswa mengikuti  jadwal dengan baik. Penerapan karakter tanggung jawab pada lingkungan terdapat program go green seperti membawa tanaman hias, dan menanam pohon, kegiatan kebersihan lingkungan terdapat piket, kerja bakti di madrasah. (3) Kedala yang dihadapi  pada penerapan karakter (a) non akademik peserta didik masih ada yang terlambat menjalankan ibadah, pada pelaksanaan kebersihan lingkungan terdapat sampah yang dibuang sembarangan, (b) bidang akademik terdapat peserta didik yang terkendala memahami tugas dibidang matematika, dan masih terdapat peserta didik yang mengumpulkan tugas tidak tepat waktu.

Kata Kunci: Implementasi karakter, Karakter ULIL ALBAB, Kultur Sekolah.



This present study aims to describe (1) the implementation of ULIL ALBAB character in the academic, (2) the implementation of ULIL ALBAB character in non-academic and (3) the constraints of implementation ULIL ALBAB character in the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta.The result of this study shows that (1)  On academic field in the character superior there are programs comprehension tutoring material specifically of subject teachers, and guidance carrer from BK, Students score when the national examination there has been increasing from year 2018 up to 2019, The application of character scientific, there are race KTI and research itself , there are achievement an international scale in malaysia 2018. (2) The application of character in the non-academic are character amaliyah, There are the routine as a visit to an orphanage and religious study meetings , incidental activity as takziyah , and gathering, For teachers have been good, but ethics to friend to require improvement, The application of worship character in the madrasah there are worship must as prayer dhuhur berjamaah, and the worship sunnah  like dzikir and dhuha prayer, Activities in read Al-Quran the students follow schedule well, The application of the character of such responsibility on the environment there is also the program go green that is like bringing an ornamental, and planting trees, the cleanliness of the environment activities there are pickets , community work in madrasah. (3) Even though what is faced in the application of (a) non-academic characters, there are still students who are late in performing religious services, in the implementation of environmental hygiene, especially in the madrasa hall, there is garbage disposed of carelessly (b)students who produce assignments are not on time.


Keywords: Character Implementation, ULIL ALBAB Character, School Culture.


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