Sri Agesti Wulansari,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan inventori penelusuran minat bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP/MTs) yang memenuhi persyaratan validitas dan reliabilitas. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu dosen Bimbingan dan Konseling, guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dan siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Candiroto yang berjumlah 60 siswa. Hasil validasi ahli menunjukkan bahwa inventori penelusuran minat layak digunakan setelah revisi sesuai saran dari ahli. Uji coba tahap I yaitu pada siswa kelas VIII didapatkan hasil koefisiensi reliabilitas sebesar 0.950 dan menunjukkan item mudah dipahami tetapi jumlah item terlalu banyak. Dari 189 item terdapat item yang gugur sebanyak 43 item. Item dinyatakan gugur jika nilai koefisiensi korelasi item total ≤0.30. Uji coba tahap II yang dilakukan pada 60 siswa kelas VIII didapatkan hasil koefisien reliabilitas 0.949. Dari total jumlah item sebanyak 126 terdapat item yang gugur sebanyak 9 item. Format akhir inventori penelusuran minat peserta didik sekolah menengah pertama menghasilkan 110 item yang valid dan reliabel sehingga layak digunakan sebagai instrumen.


Kata kunci: pengembangan, inventori minat, siswa sekolah menengah pertama.



   The objective of this research was to develop an inventory of students’ interest investigation for students of Junior High School which fulfill the validity and reliability requirements.  Subjects in this study are lecturer Guidance and Counseling, teacher Guidance and Counseling and  students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Candiroto, amounting to 60 students. Expert validation results show that the interest inventory inventory of junior high school students (SMP / MTs) has been feasible to use after revision according to expert advice. The first phase test is the students of class VIII obtained reliability coefficient of 0.950 and shows the item easily understood but the number of items is too much. Of the 189 items there are items that fall as many as 43 items. Item is declared void if the total item correlation coefficient value is ≤0.30. Phase II trial conducted on 60 students class VIII obtained reliability coefficient results 0.949. Of the total number of items as much as 126 items that fall as many as 9 items. The final format of interest inventory inventory of junior high school students results in 110 valid and reliable items that are eligible to be used as instruments.


Key words: Development, Interest Inventory, Junior High School Student

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