Devy Andika Puspitasary,


Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kematangan karir, kecenderungan pola asuh orang tua, dan perbedaan kematangan karir ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua. Pendekatan kuantitatif komparasi. Populasi 353 siswa dan sampel 182 siswa, teknik sampel proportional random sampling. Validitas instrumen menggunakan product moment dengan hasil 26 butir skala pola asuh, dan 49 butir skala kematangan karir, reliabilitas diuji dengan alpha Cronbach koefisien 0,728 pada skala kematangan karir dan 0,702 pada skala pola asuh. Uji hipotesis menggunakan one way anova. Penelitian ini menghasilkan (1) Kematangan karir siswa pada kategori tinggi 54,9%, (2) Kecenderungan pola asuh otoriter 8,85%, demokratis 22,0%, permisif memanjakan 69,2%, (3) ada perbedaan kematangan karir ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua, (4) Tidak ada perbedaan kematangan karir antara pola asuh demokratis dan pola asuh otoriter, (5) ada perbedaan kematangan karir antara pola asuh demokratis dan pola asuh permisif memanjakan, (6) ada perbedaan kematangan karir antara pola asuh otoriter dan pola asuh permisif memanjakan.
Kata kunci: kematangan karir, pola asuh orang tua
This research aim to know the difference of class student career maturity, evaluated from pattern take care of divided old fellow become three, They are authority, democratic, and tending to pamper. This research use quantitative comparison. Research populations of 353 student, and sample of 182 students, technique intake of sample use sampling random proportional. Data collecting use career maturity scale and pattern scale take care of old fellow. Instrument validity use moment product with result 26 pattern scale item take care of the validness, and 49 valid career maturity scale item, reliability tested with Alpha Cronbach obtained by coefficient 0,728 at career maturity scale and coefficient 0,702 on pattern scale take care of. Hypothesis test use one way anova This Research result yield (1) Maturity student career reside in high category 54,9%. (2) Tendency of pattern take care of authority old fellow 8,85%, and for 22,0%, tending to pamper 69,2%. (3) there is difference of class student career maturity evaluated from pattern take care of old fellow. (4) There is no difference of career maturity among pattern take care of democratic and pattern take care of authority. (5) there is difference among the career of maturity, pattern in take care of democratic and pattern take care of tending to pamper. (6) there are differences among career of maturity pattern take care of authority and pattern take care of tending to pamper.
Keyword: career maturity, pattern take care of old fellow

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