Shinta Larasaty Santoso,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan regulasi diri dengan coping stres
berfokus masalah pada pengurus Ormawa FIP UNY. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
ialah kuantitatif korelasional. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 87 mahasiswa. Pengambilan sampel
dilakukan menggunakan teknik multi stage cluster random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan
adalah skala regulasi diri dan skala coping stres berfokus masalah. Skor validitas skala regulasi diri
bergerak dari angka 0,364 sampai dengan 0,773, sedangkan skor validitas skala coping stres
berfokus masalah bergerak dari angka 0,369 sampai 0,744. Nilai koefisien reliabilitas alpha (α)
pada skala regulasi diri sebesar 0,917 sedangkan pada skala coping stres berfokus masalah sebesar
0,818. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik statistik product moment. Hasil analisis korelasi
product moment menunjukkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,618 dengan signifikansi 0,000
(sig<0,01) yang berarti terdapat hubungan positif dan sangat signifikan antara regulasi diri dengan
coping stres berfokus masalah pada pengurus Ormawa FIP UNY. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa
semakin tinggi regulasi diri pada pengurus Ormawa FIP UNY akan semakin tinggi pula coping stres
berfokus masalahnya, dan sebaliknya semakin rendah regulasi diri pada pengurus Ormawa FIP
UNY akan semakin rendah pula coping stres berfokus masalahnya. Koefisien determinasi sebesar
0,3819 yang berarti bahwa sumbangan variabel regulasi diri terhadap coping stres berfokus masalah
sebesar 38,19%.
Kata kunci: regulasi diri, coping stres berfokus masalah
The aim of this study was to find out the relationship between self-regulation and problem
focused coping among the board of student organizations of FIP UNY. The method used in this
study was correlational quantitative. The researcher took 87 students as the sample for this study.
The technique of sampling collection used was multi stage cluster random sampling. The
instruments of this research included self-regulation scale and problem focused coping scale. The
validity score of self-regulation ranged from 0,364 to 0,773, while validity score of problem
focused coping ranged from 0,369 to 0,744. The coefficient value of reliability alpha (α) in the selfregulation
scale was 0,917, while in the problem focused coping scale was 0,818. The data was
analyzed statistically using product moment from pearson. The analysis result of the correlation
product moment showed that correlation coefficient was 0,618 while the significance was 0,000
(sig<0,01) which meant that there was a positive relationship and a great significance between selfregulation
and problem focused coping among the board of student organizations of FIP UNY.
Thus, it meant that the higher self-regulation possessed by the board of student organizations of FIP
UNY influenced the higher problem focused coping, conversely the lower self-regulation possessed
by the board of student organizations of FIP UNY influenced the lower problem focused coping.
The determination coefficient obtained was 38,19% which meant that the contribution of the
regulation variable towards the problem focused coping was 38,19%.
Keywords: self-regulation, problem focused coping

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