Irkham Amiruddin,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI di SMA N 1 Pundong yang diberi layanan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Quantum Learning dan yang tanpa metode pembelajaran Quantum Learning 2) Mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat keefektifan metode pembelajaran Quantum Learning terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI di SMA N 1 Pundong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen berupa quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain non equivalent control group design. Teknik analisis data penellitian ini menggunakan statistik non parametrik, uji hipotesis menggunakan uji wilcoxon match pairs dan uji keefektifan menggunakan uji GLM dengan bantuan SPSS21.0. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan (1) Penerapan metode pembelajaran Quantum Learning efektif terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI di SMA N 1 Pundong, berdasarkan  uji wilcoxon match pairs dengan menggunakan data selisih dari nilai pretest dan posttest nilai p value (Asymp. Sig 2 tailed) sebesar 0,001, yang menunjukan nilai probabilitasnya dibawah 0,5 jadi artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada motivasi belajar siswa antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok eksperimen. (2) tingkat keefektifan metode pembelajaran Quantum Learning terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI di SMA N 1 Pundong sebesar 47,3%.

Kata Kunci : Quantum Learning, motivasi belajar


This study aims to (1) Knowing whether there is a significant difference in the motivation of students in class XI learning at SMA N 1 Pundong who are provided with services using the Quantum Learning method and those without the Quantum Learning method 2) Know how much the effectiveness of the Quantum Learning method of learning towards increasing student motivation in class XI at SMA N 1 Pundong. This research is an experimental research in the form of quasi experiment. This study uses a non equivalent control group design. This research data analysis technique uses non-parametric statistics, hypothesis testing using Wilcoxon match pairs test and effectiveness test using GLM test with the help of SPSS21.0. The results of this study conclude (1) The application of the Quantum Learning method is effective on the learning motivation of class XI students in SMA N 1 Pundong, based on the Wilcoxon match pairs test using the difference data from the pretest and posttest values of p value (Asymp. Sig 2 tailed) of 0.001, which shows the probability value below 0.5, so it means that there are significant differences in student motivation between the control group and the experimental group. (2) the level of effectiveness of the Quantum Learning method of learning to increase students' motivation in class XI in SMA N 1 Pundong by 47.3%.


Keywords: Quantum learning, motivation to learn

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