Devita Wahyuning Mentari,



Pemahaman studi lanjut sangat penting dalam pemberian layanan informasi karir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efektivitas pemanfaatan media layanan informasi karir terhadap pemahaman studi lanjut siswa. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan berupa eksperimen nyata dengan desain Pretest Posttest Control Desain. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX, ukuran sampel penelitian sebanyak 64 siswa ditentukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Alat pengumpul data menggunakan skala pemilihan media layanan informasi karir dan skala pemahaman studi lanjut. Teknik analisis dala menggunakan T-Test ( Uji – t ) dengan menggunakan alat bantu SPSS 22.00 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) hasil pretest kelas eksperimen pada pemahaman studi lanjut kategori sedang meningkat saat posttest menjadi kategori tinggi. (2) hasil pretest kelas kontrol pada pemahaman studi lanjut kategori sedang tetap stagnan saat posttest kategori sedang. (3) Hasil T-Test ( Uji – t ) menunjukkan 0,00 < 0,05, berarti pemanfaatan media layanan informasi karir mempengaruhi pemahaman studi lanjut dengan sumbangan efektif yang dihasilkan sebesar 42,4%,

Kata kunci : Media, layanan informasi karir, pemahaman studi lanjut.




The understanding of further study is important in the provision of career information services. Purpose of the research to know how much the effectiveness of the utilization of carrer information service media on the understanding of futher study among students. The study used the quantitative approach. It was a true-experimental study using the pretest and posttest control design. The research population comprised Grade IX students. The sample, consisting of 64 students, was selected by means of the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using a scale of the selection of career information service media and a scale of further study. The data analysis technique was T-test using SPSS 22.00 for windows. The results of the study showed that: (1) the result of the pretest for the understanding of further study in the experimental class, which was in the moderate category, improving in the posttest, which was in the high category.  (2) the result of the pretest for the understanding of further study in the control class, which was in the moderate category, remaining stagnant in the posttest, which was in the moderate category. (3) The result T-test showed 0.00 < 0.05; this indicated the utilization of career information service media effect on the understanding of further study with effectiveness contribution showed 42,4%.


Keywords: media, career information service, understanding of further study

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