Candra Arif Subekti,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara pola pengasuhan dan ego identity. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini siswa SMP Negeri 2 Somagede dengan sampel 182 siswa yang terdiri 95 laki-laki dan 87 perempuan. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu skala pola pengasuhan dan skala ego identity. Uji validitas menggunakan penilaian ahli dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan alpha Cronbach. Nilai alpha cronbach skala pola pengasuhan (α =0,825) dan skala ego identity (α=0,778). Teknik analisis data adalah chi-square dan contingency coefficient. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan antara  pola pengasuhan dan ego identity dilihat dari nilai contingency coefficient sebesar (KK=0,355) dengan taraf signifikansi (0.002, p<0.05). Hasil penelitian yaitu siswa yang mengalami identity diffusion berasal berasal dari pola pengasuhan permisif tidak peduli, identity foreclosure berasal dari permisif tidak peduli, identity moratorium berasal dari authoritatif dan identity achievement dari authoritatif, siswa berasal dari authoritarian dan permisif memanjakan mengalami identity diffusion.

Kata kunci : pola pengasuhan, ego identity, remaja



The objective of this study is to find out the correlation between the Parenting Style and the Ego Identity. This study was conducted using quantitative method. The subjects of this study were 182 students of SMP Negeri 2 Somagede with the proportion of the subjects are 95 male students and 87 female students. The data for this study were collected using two instruments namely the Scale of Parenting Style and the Scale of Ego Identity. The instrument validity of the data was obtained by applying the expert judgment. The instrument reliability of the data was obtained by applying the Cronbach’s Alpha test. The score of Cronbach’s Alpha test for the Scale of Parenting Style instrument were (α=0.825) while the score of Cronbach’s Alpha test for the Scale of Ego Identity instrument were (α=0.778). The data analysis techniques used in this study were Chi-square and Contingency Coefficient. The score of Contingency Coefficient was (KK=0.355) with the degree of signification was (0.002, p<0.05). The findings showed that there was a correlation between the Parenting Style and the Ego Identity. Students who got the permissive-indifferent parenting were facing Identity Diffusion and or Identity Foreclosure. Students who got Authoritative Parenting were facing Identity Moratorium and or Identity Achievement. Students who got Authoritarian and or permissive-indulgent parenting were facing Identity Diffusion.

Keywords: parenting style, ego identity, adolescence.

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