Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan permainan puzzle karier sebagai media bimbingan karier yang layak digunakan siswa sekolah dasar kelas III. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini adalah metode Research and Development (R & D). Tahap pengembangan yang dilakukan penelitian dan pengumpulan data; perencanaan; pengembangan draf produk; uji coba lapangan awal;
merevisi hasil uji coba; uji coba lapangan; penyempurnaan produk hasil uji lapangan; uji pelaksanaan lapangan; dan penyempurnaan produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media puzzle karier memperoleh penilaian ahli materi dengan skor 73%. Penilaian ahli media dengan skor 81%. Penilaian
praktisi (guru kelas III) dengan skor 95%. Uji coba lapangan awal menunjukan hasil penilaian produk dengan skor 94%. Uji coba lapangan menunjukan hasil penilaian produk dengan skor 96%. Uji
pelaksanaan lapangan menunjukan hasil penilaian produk dengan skor 98%. Dengan demikian media permainan puzzle karier layak untuk digunakan sebagai media layanan bimbingan karier bagi siswa sekolah dasar kelas III.
Kata kunci: puzzle karier, media permainan bimbingan karier
This research aims to produce a career puzzle game as career guidance services is suitable to use by the third grade students of elementary schools. The method used in this research was Research and Development (R&D). The development stages of this research were research and information
collection, planning, develop preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, and final product
revision. The results of this research shows career puzzle games obtained 73% scores from the material expert judgement, 81% scores from the media expert judgement, 95% scores from the practitioner judgement. The preliminary field testing shows the result of the product judgement obtains
94% scores. The field testing shows the result of the product judgement obtains 96% scores. The operational field testing shows the result of the product judgement obtains 98% scores. Thus the media
of career puzzle games deserve to be used as a media of career guidance services for the elementary schools’ students of grade III.
Keywords: career puzzle, media of career guidance game
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