Putri Luthfiyatul,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia interaktif pemilihan studi lanjut pada siswa kelas IX SMP N 2 Berbah yang layak sebagai multimedia pemilihan studi lanjut siswa SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan strategi pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Subyek uji coba lapangan awal 4 siswa, subyek uji lapangan utama sejumlah 16 siswa dan subyek uji lapangan operasional sejumlah 32 siswa SMPN 2 Berbah. Hasil peneneltian dan pengembangan multimedia interaktif disimpulkan sebagai berikut : (1) Hasil penilaian dari ahli media “layak” dengan skor 3,65 (2) Penilaian ahli materi “layak” dengan skor 3,67 (3) Hasil uji coba lapangan awal oleh guru BK “layak” dengan skor 3,80 sedangkan uji coba lapangan awal oleh siswa “layak” dengan skor 3,35 (4) Hasil uji coba lapangan utama “layak” dengan skor 3,42 (5) Hasil uji coba lapangan oprasional “layak” dengan skor 3,48. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia interaktif pemilihan study lanjut pada siswa SMP layak untuk digunakan.


Kata kunci: multimedia interaktif, pemilihan studi lanjut



This research aim to produce interactive multimedia for the selection of advanced studies for grade IX of 2 Berbah junior high school students which is appropriate as multimedia for the selection of advanced junior high school students. This research is a development research using Borg and  Gall development strategy. The subjects of the initial field trials were 4 students, the subjects of the main field trials were 16 students, and the subjects of the operational field trials were 32 students of 2 Berbah junior high school students. The results of the research of the development of interactive multimedia can be concluded as follows: (1) the result of the media expert judgment was "very good" with the score of 3,65, (2) the material expert judgment was "very good" with the score of 3,67, (3) the initial field trials result by the BK teachers were "excellent" with the score of 3,80, while the result of the initial field trials by the students were "excellent" with the score of 3,35, (4) the major field trial result was "very good" with the score of 3,42, (5) the result of the field trials was "excellent" with the score of 3,48. It can be concluded that the interactive multimedia for the selection of advanced studies on junior high school students is feasible to use.


Keywords: interactive multimedia, the selection of advanced studies

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