Erliana Prastika,



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh gaya hidup hedonisme terhadap kecurangan akademik mahasiswa BK FIP UNY, (2) tingkat gaya hidup hedonisme mahasiswa BK FIP UNY, (3) tingkat kecurangan akademik mahasiswa BK FIP UNY. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa BK FIP UNY angkatan 2014-2017 yang berjumlah 306 mahasiswa. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 170 mahasiswa ditentukan dengan rumus Isaac dan Michael (taraf kesalahan 5%) dengan teknik Proportionate Statified Random Sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala kecurangan akademik dan gaya hidup hedonisme. Analisis data menggunakan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1)  terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan dan positif gaya hidup hedonisme terhadap kecurangan akademik mahasiswa BK FIP UNY (F: 34,368; p: 0,000); (2) tingkat gaya hidup hedonisme mahasiswa BK FIP UNY berkategori sedang (58%), kategori rendah (42%), kategori tinggi (0%); (3) tingkat kecurangan akademik mahasiswa BK FIP UNY berkategori rendah (54%), kategori sedang (46%) kategori tinggi (0%).

Kata Kunci : gaya hidup hedonisme, kecurangan akademik, mahasiswa



The purpose of this research are to find out whether : (1) there is effect of hedonism lifestyle to academic cheating on Guidance and Counseling students, (2) the level of hedonism lifestyle on the students of Guidance and Counseling, (3) the level of academic cheating on Guidance and Counseling students. This study is a quantitative research. The population is the students of Guidance and Counseling Study Program FIP UNY class of 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The number of population is 306 students. The sample of this research is 170 students determined by Isaac and Michael formula (5% error level), and determined by Proportionate Statified Random Sampling technique. Data were collected by using a scale of academic cheating and hedonism lifestyle. Data analysis is done by regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) there was a significant and positive effect of hedonism lifestyle toward academic cheating on students of Guidance and Counseling (F: 34,368; p: 0,000); (2) the level of hedonism lifestyle students of Guidance and Counseling Study Program was in medium category (58%) low category  by 42%, high category 0%; (3) the level of academic cheating students of Guidance and Counseling Study Program was in low category (54%) medium category of 46%, high category of 0%.

Keyword : Hedonism Lifestyle, Academic Cheating, Student Keyword : Hedonism Lifestyle, Academic Cheating, Student

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