Developing a Set of Supplementary Learning Materials of Written Cycle for Students of Grade XI of Automotive Engineering at Vocational School

Anas Putra Pamungkas, , Indonesia


The objectives of this study were (1) to find out targets needs and learning needs of eleventh grade students of Automotive Engineering at vocational schools, (2) to develop appropriate supplementary learning materials of written cycle for grade XI students of Automotive Engineering at Vocational Schools.This study belonged to research and development study. The research subjects were the grade XI of automotive engineering students of SMKN 1 Seyegan. The research procedure, was adapted from Borg & Gall (1983) procedure with major adjustments. The study used two types of questionnaire: 1) need analysis questionnaire to find out students’ needs and learning needs and 2) material evaluation questionnaire based on Pedoman Buku Bahasa Inggris SMK. To analyze the questionnaires, descriptive statistics was used. There were three developed units. Each unit consists of 14 tasks divided into three parts: warm up, main activities and closing. The topics of the materials are automotive-related. Based on the results of expert judgement, the developed materials can be considered as “good”.

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