Developing Supplementary English Writing Materials Using Task-Based Language Teaching for the Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School

Karisa Indraswari, , Indonesia


The objectives of this research were to develop supplementary English writing materials using task-based language teaching for the tenth grade students of senior high school.  The study was educational Research and Development (R & D).  The procedure of the study was conducting the needs analysis, writing the course grid, developing the first draft of the supplementary writing materials using task-based language teaching, trying out and evaluating the draft by the expert, revising the draft, andwriting the final draft. The data from the interview was analyzed qualitatively and the data from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively through the descriptive statistics.The  result  of  the  needs  analysis  showed  that  the  students  needed interesting additional writing materials. The product of these supplementary writing materials is entitled as “Supplementary Writing Materials using Task- Based Language Teaching”, accompanied with study guide book. The supplementary English writing materials’ book consists of three units. Each unit has 15 tasks and it consists of three stages. Those three stages are pre task activity, task cycle and language focus. The result of the expert judgment is 2.33 and the result of the student’s try out is 2.34. As a result, the supplementary English writing materials using task-based language teaching have been appropriate for the tenth grade senior high school students’ needs.

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