Budi Ayu Noviasari,


This study aims (1) to identify the types of maxims employed in the teaching and learning of Bahasa Inggris Wajib and Peminatan in Class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 1 Klaten, and (2) to identify the strategies used in maxim flouting of Cooperative Principles performed by the teacher and students of Class XI IPS 2 SMA N 1 Klaten. This study was  descriptive qualitative. The subjects were the teacher and students of XI IPS 2 SMA N 1 Klaten. This study focused on analysing the Cooperative Principless and strategies used in maxim flouting. The data were taken by an audio-visual recording and note-taking. The data were in the form of utterances in contexts. The qualitative data were used to explain the phenomena of the maxims and strategies. This study used quantitative data to support the qualitative data. The credibility was proven by a peer debriefer and an expert in linguistics. The results of this research reveal two points. The first is that all the maxims of Cooperative Principles were performed in Class XI IPS 2 SMA N 1 Klaten. In terms of dominance, the maxim of quantity was in the highest rank meaning that the teacher and students usually gave enough answers or responses because of their ability to use English. In contrast, maxim of relation is in the lowest rank because the students sometimes did not understand the teacher‟s intention of saying something and ended up giving irrelevant answers or responses. The second is that the teacher and students performed eight strategies in maxim flouting which are „giving too much information‟, „giving too little information‟, „being obscure‟, „being unrelated‟, „being banter‟, „being ironic‟, „being metaphorical‟, and „being hyperbolic‟. The most dominant strategy used in Class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 1 Klaten was the strategy of „giving too much information‟.  The teacher and students usually used this strategy to make their answer more specific, to refuse doing something, to do face saving when they are in front of many people, and to help listeners by giving the possible answers of the previous questions. On the other hand, the strategy of being hyperbolic was in the lowest rank. They rarely used it because they found it hard to express their thought hyperbolically in English.



Keywords: pragmatics, Cooperative Principles, classroom

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