A Pragmatic Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Used by English Teachers in English Teaching-Learning Processes at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta

Ratna Rismayanti, , Indonesia
Siti Sudartini, , Indonesia


: The objectives of this study are: 1) to identify the types of Searle’s illocutionary act performed by the English teachers in teaching-learning processes at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta, and 2) to investigate the illocutionary functions used by the English teachers in teaching-learning processes at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. This study employed descriptive-qualitative approach. The researcher had the role of planning, collecting, analyzing and reporting the findings. The data were in the form of utterances performed by two English teachers of SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta during the teaching and learning processes. The data were collected through conducting observations equipped by audio recording. Then, the data were transcribed and analyzed using the theory of Searle’s speech acts. The data were analyzed by using interactive qualitative method proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994) that consists of three main activities: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Besides, the researcher also applied coding system to make her easier in classifying the data. The trustworthiness of the research was obtained by applying credibility and dependability. The findings show that: 1) there are four types of speech acts used by English teachers at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta: representatives, expressives, directives, and commisives. 2) There are 26 types of illocutionary functions performed by the English teachers at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta: informing, stating, explaining, confirming, agreeing, disagreeing, stating opinion, predicting, correcting, greeting, leave-taking, thanking, apologizing, stating surprise, complimenting, joking, questioning, commanding, requesting, suggesting, encouraging, warning, forbidding, inviting, offering, and promising. In conclusion, the directives were the most frequent acts performed by the teacher to manage the classroom English at SMAIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta.


Keywords: pragmatic analysis, illocutionary acts, illocutionary function.

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