Improving the Writing Skills of Grade VIII Students of SMP N 1 Prambanan, Sleman in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 Through Diary Writing Activities with Peer Feedback and Teacher Feedback

Puri Destiar Indreswari, , Indonesia


This research was aimed to investigate how the use of diary writing activities with peer feedback and teacher feedback could improve the writing skills of grade VIII students at SMP N I Prambanan Sleman in the academic year of 2014/2015. This  research  was  classified  as  action  research.  The  research  was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle was divided into three meetings. The steps in each cycle were reconnaissance, planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research  was  done with  the participation  of  32 students  of VIII B class,  the English teacher, and the collaborator. The data collected in this research were qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher used observation and interviews in collecting qualitative data while tests were used to collect quantitative data. The qualitative data were analyzed through five steps of qualitative data analysis: assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the students’ mean score of the tests. The data validity used in this research were process validity, democratic validity, outcome validity, catalytic validity and dialogic validity. The findings of the research showed that the use of the diary writing technique with peer feedback and teacher feedback could improve the students’ writing skills especially in developing ideas and organizing ideas. There was also an improvement of the students’ skills in the aspects of using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. During the teaching and learning process, the students also showed positive attitude         in the writing class. They enthusiastically did the writing activities. They showed their interest in writing by using the diary writing technique. Based on the quantitative data, the students’ mean  score  increased  from  the  pre-test  to  the  post-test.  In  the  pre-test,  the students’ mean score was 57.18 while in the first post-test, it was 63.79 and in the second post- test, it was 70.17.


Key words: writing skills, diary writing

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