An Evaluation on the English Textbook for the Students of Senior High School Grade X: Talk Active Compulsory Program 1 Grade X Senior High School Published by Yudhistira

Zulimah --, , Indonesia


This research attempted to evaluate whether the English textbook entitled Talk Active Compulsory Program 1 Grade X Senior High School published by Yudhistira has fulfilled the criteria of a good textbook based on the textbook evaluation criteria suggested by Pusat Perbukuan and some ELT experts, and  to discover whether the analyzed textbook was relevant to Curriculum 2013. This study was an evaluation study, whose stages covered: (1) listing several items to guide data collection, (2) making data collection sheets, (3) analyzing the textbook, and (4) reporting the result of the analysis. The data were collected by evaluating the textbook using checklists which contained the criteria of textbook evaluation. In the data analysis technique, the sum points were gained from the total of criteria fulfilled, divided by the total criteria in each sub-aspect, and multiplied by 100 %. Consensus and triangulation were applied to ensure credibility and dependability of this research. The result of the analysis showed that Talk Active Compulsory Program 1 Grade X Senior High School was classified as a good textbook as it achieved 82 % of fulfillment score, with 83% for relevance of material to the curriculum, 86 % for material accuracy, 70 % for supporting learning material, 78 % for language appropriateness, 100 % for presentation technique, 85 % for teaching and learning technique, and 73 % for presentation coverage. For English teachers using Talk Active, it was recommended that they provide more activities to produce interpersonal texts, give explanation about formal and informal use, and provide presentational activities to suit the Curriculum 2013.


Keywords: textbook evaluation, curriculum 2013 textbooks, evaluation study


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