A Pragmatic Analysis of Politeness Principles in Teacher Talks at SMA Negeri 1 Klaten

Tomyzu Habib Suprapto, , Indonesia


The aims of this research are (1) to identify the maxims of politeness principle performed by the English teacher at SMA N 1 Klaten, and (2) to determine the illocutionary function of the politeness principle maxims performed by the English teacher at SMA N 1 Klaten.  This study was qualitative. The data were in the form of utterances derived from the transcripts of the talks performed by the English teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Klaten. The main instrument of this research was the researcher himself, supported by the use of the audio recording and data sheets. The researcher employed the observation as the data collection technique. The data were analyzed by performing the maxims of politeness principle proposed by Leech (1983). To achieve the data trustworthiness, the researcher used the investigator triangulation. The results of the research showed five maxims of politeness principle performed by the English teacher at SMA N 1 Klaten. They are the tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The approbation maxim was the most frequently used by the teacher with 50 occurrences or 44.6% of 112 utterances. Meanwhile, the least maxim used was the sympathy maxim with one occurrence or 0.9% of 112 utterances. Next, the illocutionary functions identified in the data are 12 functions. They are agreeing, asking for clarity, complimenting, congratulating, greeting, inviting, questioning, requesting, stating an opinion, suggesting, sympathizing, and thanking. The most frequently used illocutionary function is “requesting” with 39 occurrences or 34.8% of 112 utterances. There are three illocutionary functions that are the least illocutionary function used with one occurrence or 0.9% of 112 utterances. They are congratulating, stating an opinion, and sympathizing. In conclusion, by performing more approbation maxim, the teacher tried to be a good motivator for the student as one of her role as a teacher.


Keywords: teacher talk, politeness principle, illocutionary function

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