Febry Hario Wibowo, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Putu Sudira, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Smart Bathroom Based Prototype Arduino Uno is a specially designed tool for automatic
bathroom simulation. This tool will work when someone is detected by the sensor on each. When
someone comes in the bathroom will automatically turn on. Then in the closet, the toilet will do an
automatic flushing. Next bath in the shower, bathroom users close enough in front of the shower, then
the air will flow automatically. Then the last activity, namely brushing and washing face in the sink,
bathroom users close enough on the sink taps, then the air will flow automatically. Tub and exit, then
the automatic light will die. The method used in building prototype arduino uno intelligent bathroom is
using design method consisting of several stages, namely: (1) needs, (2) needs analysis, (3) design of
hardware and software, (4) manufacture tools, (5) Testing Tools and (6) Operation Tools. The
hardware consists of (1) arduino uno microcontroller as the main controller, (2) ultrasonic sensor HCSR04
as detection of hand spacing at sink and body spacing detector in shower, (2) LDR sensor as
detector of incoming object in toilet seat 3 ) DC solenoid valve as an airflow open system, (4) Relay as
driver of DC solenoid valve, (5), LED lamp as bathroom light, (6) Limit switch as LED switch light.
Based on the results of tests that have been implemented, it can be concluded that the prototype smart
bathroom based arduino uno this can work well in accordance with its function. The performance of
this tool is observed by looking at the conditions of ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 and LDR sensors on
the sink, shower and toilet seat. The solenoid valve will open the valve coil if the sensor at each. There
is an average percentage error of 0.31%.
Keywords : Prototype, Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04, LDR sensors, Arduino Uno, Solenoid valve

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