Dytya Rahmawati, , Indonesia



            Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perencanaan pembelajaran, proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan hasil pembelajaran di Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik SMK Hamong Putera 2 Pakem Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dengan model kesenjangan. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa (1) Perencanaan pembelajaran menurut guru termasuk kategori baik, namun terdapat kekurangan meliputi terdapat guru yang tidak menyusun RPP, penyusunan bahan ajar dan media pembelajaran kurang maksimal, pemilihan guru pengampu mata pelajaran tidak sesuai, serta penyiapan sarpras belum maksimal; (2) Proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran menurut guru dan siswa termasuk kategori baik, namun terdapat kekurangan meliputi implementasi RPP belum sesuai rencana, beberapa guru belum sesuai jadwal, terdapat guru pengampu mata pelajaran tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang prodinya, sarpras masih belum maksimal, serta pengawasan belum menyeluruh; dan (3) Hasil pembelajaran menurut guru termasuk kategori baik dan menurut siswa termasuk kategori sangat baik, namun terdapat kekurangan terkait dengan aspek sikap yang kurang maksimal, belum seluruh siswa mencapai KKM, serta aspek keterampilan siswa pada kelompok mata pelajaran normatif dan adaptif termasuk kurang.


Kata kunci: penyelenggaraan, pembelajaran, evaluasi



            This research aims to find out the learning strategy, the learning implementation process, and the learning achievement of the electrical power installation technique competency skill at SMK Hamong Putera 2 Pakem Sleman. This research was an evaluation research with discrepancy model. The results of the research according to teachers and students were: (1) the learning strategy is good althought it has several weaknesses, such as several teachers do not prepare weekly lesson plan (RPP), the planning of the lesson material and learning media is insufficient, the asiggnment in the task teaching of teacher is inappropriate, and the setup of the facilities are insufficient; (2) The learning implementation process is good. Nevertheless, it has several weaknesses, for example, the implementation of RPP is not suitable with the learning strategy, several teachers are not consistent with the lesson plan, several teachers are not suitable with their competency, the facilities are insufficient, and the control of the learning process is not comprehensive; and (3) the learning result according to teacher perception is good and it is very good for the students perception. However, it has several weaknesses relate to the attitude aspect that is insufficient, not all the student get minimum completeness criteria (KKM), and the skill aspect in the adaptive and normative lessons of the students are low.


Keywords: implementation, learning, evaluation

Full Text:

PDF 288-295

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/elektro.v7i4.8719


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