Arif Mutaqin, , Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa kelas XI progam keahlian teknik instalasi tenaga listrik di SMK Hamong Putera 2 Pakem melalui model pembelajaran problem based learning berbantuan trainer kendali elektromagnetik meliputi aspek afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 siklus dengan masing-masing siklus 3 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari atas empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan instrumen pretest dan posttest. Kriteria keberhasilan untuk masing-masing indikator sekurang-kurangnya 75% dari seluruh siswa memperoleh nilai KKM sebesar 75. Hasil penelitian diketahui rata-rata nilai aspek afektif pertemuan pertama siklus 1 sebesar 76 dengan persentase ketuntasan 66,67%, meningkat pada siklus 2 pertemuan ketiga yang nilai rata-ratanya 83,5 dengan persentase 93,33%. Nilai kognitif peserta didik juga terdapat peningkatan, dengan rata-rata nilai pretest siklus 1 adalah 51,59 dengan persentase ketuntasan 40% meningkat pada posttest siklus 2 dengan nilai rata-rata 81,51 dengan persentase ketuntasan 80%. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian psikomotorik, rata-rata nilai siklus 1 pertemuan pertama 76,67 dengan persentase ketuntasan 60% meningkat pada siklus 2 pertemuan ketiga yakni nilai rata-ratanya 86,38 dengan persentase ketuntasan 100%.


Kata kunci : penelitian tindakan kelas, problem based learning, trainer kendali elektromagnetik



This research aims to enhance the 11th grade students’ competency at electricity installatiom engineering study program, SMK Hamong Putera 2 Pakem through problem based learning method assisted by electromagnetic control trainer which includes affective, cognitive, and psycomotor aspects. This research was a class action research which carried out  in two cycles with three meetings for each cycle. There were four steps in each cycle which were planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research used observation sheet and pre-test post-test instruments to collect the data. The success criteria for each indicator was that at least 75% of the students could get score of 75. The results of this research showed an enhancement of affective aspect from 66.67% of the mastery percentage with average score of 76 on the first meeting of first cycle into 93.33% of mastery percentage with average score of 83.5 on the third meeting of second cycle. The cognitive aspect of the students were also increased from 40% of mastery percentage with average score of 51.59 on the pre-test of first cycle into 80% of mastery percentage with average score of  81.51 on the post-test of second cycle. According to the result of psychomotor assessment, the mastery percentage was 60% with average score of 76.67 on the first meeting of first cycle and increasing into 100% of mastery percentage with 86.38 average score on the third meeting of third cycle.


Keywords: classroom action research, problem based learning, electromagnetic control system

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