Lukman , Mutaqin, , Indonesia



Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) memperoleh gambaran kinerja Bursa Kerja Khusus (BKK) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Kota Kebumen, (2) mengetahui legalitas dan struktur kelembagaan BKK SMK, (3) mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan program BKK SMK, (4) mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi kendala pelaksanaan program BK SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Subyek penelitian adalah pengelola BKK dan alumni SMK. Pengelola BKK yang terlibat sebanyak 13 orang, sedangkan alumni SMK berjumlah 42 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : (1) kinerja BKK SMK di Kota Kebumen ditinjau dari dimensi input termasuk kategori baik dengan skor 54,98, ditinjau dari dimensi process termasuk kategori baik dengan skor 131,39, ditinjau dari dimensi output termasuk kategori baik dengan skor 41,003; (2) legalitas BKK SMK dibuktikan dengan adanya Surat Keputusan pendirian dari pihak terkait dan adanya struktur organisasi; (3) faktor pendukung pelaksanaan program BKK dengan adanya fasilitas sarana prasarana serta dukungan dari pihak sekolah; (4) faktor kendala pelaksanaan program BKK adalah program kerja yang belum terlaksana karena bertabrakan dengan agenda sekolah, rekrutmen tergantung kebutuhan dunia usaha dan industri, pengelola BKK belum semua mendapatkan pelatihan tentang pengelolaan BKK.


Kata kunci : kinerja bursa kerja khusus, dunia usaha dan industri, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan


This research aims to: (1) get the description performane career center of Vocational High School in Kebumen City, (2) know the legality and institutional structure of career center, (3) know the supporting factors in the implementation of career center program, (4) know the factors that constrain the implementation of career center program. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. Data was collected by observation, interview, and questionnaire. The subjects were the managers of career center and graduates of Vocational High Schools. The career center managers involved are 13 people, while the graduates of Vocational High School are 42 people. Data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis. The results of this research are: (1) performance career center of Vocational High School in Kebumen City in terms of input dimension is categorized as good with score of 54.98, in terms of process dimension is categorized as good with score of 131.39, in terms of output dimension is categorized as good with score of 41.003 ; (2) the legality of career center of Vocational High School is validated by the establishment decree of stake holders and the existence of organizational structure; (3) supporting factors for the implementation of career center program with facilities of infrastructure and support from schools; (4) the obstacles to the implementation of career center program is the work program that has not been implemented because it collides with the school agenda, recruitment depends on the needs of the business and industry, not all career center managers have been trained regarding on career center management.


Keywords: performance of career center, business and industry, vocational high school

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