Youlanda Nova N.R.P, , Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) pengembangan modul produk cake (berdasarkan
klasifikasinya) berbasis PBL (Problem Based Learning) untuk siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta,
(2) hasil uji kelayakan modul produk cake (berdasarkan klasifikasinya) berbasis PBL (Problem Based
Learning) untuk siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
pengembangan (R&D) dengan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop dan Disseminate) dan berbasis PBL
(Problem Based Learning). Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XI Patiseri dengan jumlah 30
orang. Alat pengumpulan data dengan: (1) observasi, (2) wawancara, dan (3) angket. Hasil penelitian
adalah sebagai berikut: (1) pengembangan modul produk cake berbasis PBL (Problem Based Learning)
melalui 4 tahap yaitu tahap define merupakan tahap analisis kebutuhan modul dengan observasi dan
wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Tahap design dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan modul sesuai dengan
kerangka modul. Tahap develop dilakukan validasi ahli materi, ahli media, uji coba skala kecil 8 siswa
dan uji coba skala besar 30 siswa. Tahap disseminate dilakukan proses penyebaran sehingga dapat terlihat
ketercapaian tujuan, (2) hasil uji coba kelayakan modul skala kecil 8 siswa secara keseluruhan dengan
kategori sangat layak 37,5% dan layak 62,5%, sedangkan hasi uji coba skala besar 30 siswa secara
keseluruhan dengan kategori sangat layak 67,67% dan layak 43,33%.
Kata kunci: produk cake dan modul produk cake berbasis PBL (Problem Based Learning)


The aims this research were to know: (1) the development module products cake (based on
clasification) based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) for students class XI SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta,
(2) the feasibility study module products cake (based on clasification) based on PBL (Problem Based
Learning) for students class XI SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta.The research is research development (R&D)
with a model 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) and based PBL (Problem Based
Learning).Subjects of this research were 30 students of XI Patiseri SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta.The
instrument use: (1) observation, (2) interview, (3) questionnaire.The result of this research showed
following: (1) the development module products cake based PBL (Problem Based Learning) through 3
the phase define to an early stage analysis needs module with observation and interview, and the
literature study. The design done a making module in accordance with a skeleton module. The
disseminate of validation testing and distribution of small scale in teacher. Stage develop performed
validation the matter, media experts, pilot a small scale 8 students and a pilot a large scale 30 students,
(2) the results of the tryouts feasibility module a small scale 8 students in the review of the aspect of
feasibility module by children to a category very reasonable 37,5% and worthy of 62,5%, while result
pilot a large scale 30 students in the review of the aspect of feasibility module by children to a category
very reasonable 67,67% and worthy of 43,33%.
Keywords: product cake dan module product cake based on PBL (Problem Based Learning)

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