Rochima Nur Afifah, , Indonesia
Andian Ari Anggraeni, M.Sc, , Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian: (1) mengetahui pelaksanaan strategi bauran pemasaran berdasakan produsen,
yang meliputi product, price, place, promotion, people, process, dan physical evidence (2) mengetahui
tanggapan konsumen terhadap strategi bauran pemasaran (marketing mix)  yang telah dilaksanakan
oleh Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan data
menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pemilik
pemancingan dan konsumen Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari pada bulan November 2017 berjumlah 781
responden. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 265 responden ditentukan dengan rumus Slovin dengan tingkat
kesalahan 5%. Analisis data deskriptif dengan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian: (1) Pelaksanaan
strategi bauran pemasaran di Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari menurut pemilik meliputi 7P. Produk utama
yang disajikan yaitu hidangan dari ikan dan menyediakan menu pelengkap berupa sayuran. Harga
yang ditawarkan lebih murah dari pemancingan lain. Tempat nyaman dan terlihat di tepi jalan.
Karyawan selalu menawarkan rekomendasi menu masakan setiap kali saat konsumen datang.
Karyawan berpenampilan rapi, ramah dan cepat dalam melayani. Fasilitas lengkap dan suasana
nyaman. Proses pembayaran dilakukan setelah konsumen memesan menu makanan. (2) Tanggapan
konsumen pada kategori sangat baik dan baik, yaitu aspek product sebesar 74%, price sebesar 63%,
place sebesar 65%, promotion sebesar 74%, people sebesar 68%, physical evidence sebesar 55%,
process sebesar 92%. Tanggapan konsumen pada kategori buruk dan sangat buruk, yaitu aspek
product sebesar 26%, price sebesar 37%, place sebesar 35%, promotion sebesar 26%, people sebesar
32%, physical evidence sebesar 45%, dan process sebesar 8%.

Kata kunci: Strategi Bauran Pemasaran, Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari Kabupaten Klaten


The purposes of this research are to identify: (1) the implementation of marketing mix strategy
based on producer, which includes product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical
evidence (2) the consumer's response to marketing mix strategy implemented by Pemancingan 150
Tirta Sari. It was a descriptive quantitative research. Data collection used observation,
documentation, and questionnaires. Population of the research was the owner and consumer of
Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari in November 2017 with total 781 respondents. The samples of research
were 265 respondents which were calculated using Solvin’s formula with the mistake level 5%. Data
analysis techniques used distribution of frequency. The results showed that: (1) The implementation of
marketing mix strategy in Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari according to owner are 7Ps. The main
products are dishes from fish and provides a complementary menu from vegetables. The price is
cheaper than other place. The place is cozy and accesible. Employees always offer a recommendation
of the menu when the consumer comes. Employees are neat, friendly and responsive. The facilities are
complete and the atmosphere is comfortable. The payment process is done after the consumer orders
the food menu. (2) The Consumer's responses on very good and good category in the aspects of
product 74%, price 63%, place 65%, promotion 74%, people 68%, physical evidence 55%, and
process 92%. Consumer's response on bad and very bad category in the aspects of product 26%, price
37%, place 35%, promotion 26%, people 32%, physical evidence 45%, and process 8%.

Keywords: Marketing Mix Strategy, Pemancingan 150 Tirta Sari Klaten Regency

Full Text:



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