Andian Ari Anggraeni, M.Sc, , Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1): mengetahui reaksi peserta terhadap program pelatihan pengolahan
hasil pertanian, (2) mengetahui proses pembelajaran program pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian, (3)
mengetahui sikap peserta selama mengikuti proses pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian, (4) mengetahui hasil
pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian terhadap alumni setelah mengikuti pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah peserta pelatihan
pengolahan hasil pertanian di BLK Bantul Tahun 2017 sebanyak 16 responden. Sampel penelitian ini adalah
peserta pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian di BLK Bantul periode Februari hingga Juli Tahun 2017 sebanyak 16
responden, ditentukan dengan jenis sampel nonprobability sampling dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil
penelitian ini adalah: (1) reaksi peserta terhadap program pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian menunjukan reaksi
yang baik sebanyak 12 responden (75%), (2) proses pembelajaran program pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian
dengan hasil pre-test dengan kategori sedang sebanyak 7 responden (43,75%) dan hasil post-test dengan kategori
sangat tinggi sebanyak 15 responden (93,75%), (3) sikap peserta selama mengikuti proses pelatihan pengolahan
hasil pertanian dari aspek kedisiplinan, sikap kerja peserta memiliki kualitas kebiasaan yang baik sedangkan
dalam aspek pengendalian emosi dan kemamuan bekerja sama dalam kelompok serta sopan santun dalam
berbicara dan bergaul dengan peserta lain peserta memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik, (4) hasil pelatihan
pengolahan hasil pertanian terhadap alumni setelah mengikuti pelatihan pengolahan hasil pertanian menunjukan
hasil baik sebanyak 8 responden (50%).
Kata kunci: Evaluasi Program Pelatihan, Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
This study aimed to investigate: (1) the reactions of participants of the training program on agricultural
product processing, (2) the learning process in the training program on agricultural product processing, (3) the
participants’ attitudes in attending the process of the training on agricultural product processing, and (4) the
results of the training on agricultural product processing. This was a quantitative descriptive study. The research
population comprised of the participants of the training on agricultural product processing in the Balai Latihan
Kerja (BLK) of Bantul in the period of February to July 2017 with a total of 16 respondents. The research samples
consisted of 16 participants of the training on agricultural product processing.. The samples were selected by the
non-probability sampling type with the sensus sampling technique. The results of the study were as follows. (1)
75% respondents tought that the reactions of the training program on agricultural product processing were good.
(2) The learning process in the training program on agricultural product processing was indicated by the pre-test
with a moderate category of 43.75% respondents and the post-test with a very high category of 93.15%
respondents. (3) Participants’ attitudes in attending the process of the training on agricultural product in terms of
the discipline and work attitude aspects, showed good quality, while in the aspects of emotional control, ability to
work together in groups, and manners in speaking and getting along with other participants showed very good
quality. (4) 50% respondents tought that the results of the training on agricultural product processing were good.
Keywords: Evaluation of Training Program, Agricultural Product Processing
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jcet.v6i7.10217
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