Ulfah Nurul Azizah,




This research is aimes to describe the obstacle that faced by police in order to prevent violation of technical terms and roadworthy by the riders in Gunungkidul Regency. Other wise, this research aims to know the police efforts for handling the obstacles of matters above.

Type of this research is descriptive with the qualitative research. Purposive technique is the determination of research subject. The subjects of the research are: 1) Head of Lantas Polres Gunungkidul; 2) Dikyasa’s head unit; 3) A police who is member of Dikyasa’s unit; 4) Turjawali’s head unit; 5) A police who is member of Turjwali’s unit; 6) Head of field operatios unit. Criss check data is used to check the data’s validation. Analysis technique is inductively that is done by three steps 1) Data reduction; 2)        Data presentation; 3) Conclusion decision.

The results of this research show that the obstacles of police during the preventation of violation in terms and roadworthy by the riders in Gunungkidul are: 1) Obstacles of preemptive activity: a) Less amout of personnels and props; b) Sozialization target’s of safety and order are not fulfill; 2) Obstacles of prevention activity: a) Not all school have PKS and that activity is not continuously; b) The student could not focus on the lesson safety riding also the speaker does not give the sesson as well; c) Training of safety riding still goes to students; 3) The obstacles of repression activity: a) There is no direction and supervision; b) Symphaty operation does not make wary; c) The driver who abuse the traffic way has the close relationship with the police, for handling that condition the efforts of police are: 1) Requesting help to other units; 2) Using visual media; 3) The police give call through brochures; 4) Doing partnership with schools an teachers; 5) Adding film; 6) Conducting coordination with civil servant investigators; 7) Granting a waiver in order abuser feel wary.


Keywords:  Obstacle, Police, Prevention, Techincal Term and Roadworthy, Violation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/agora.v6i2.9402


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