Sodiyah **,


This research is aimed to describe the efforts of Kebumen Government in coping with school dropouts and to identify obstacles that Kebumen Government faces in coping with school dropouts.

It is descriptive-qualitative research. This research was done in Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga and Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Sosial, Kebumen. The research subjects were determined using purposive technique. The research subjects consisted of 7 people, 2 people from DIKPORA and 5 people from DISNAKERTRANSOS. The data were collected by conducting interviews and document study. The data analysis was carried out inductively that the steps covered data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.

The results of the research showed that: (1) the efforts of Kebumen Government in coping with school dropouts were conducted by, a) preventive efforts, including scholarship giving to students of SD/ MI, SMP/ MTs, and SMA/ MA, SMK from poor families; conducting Program Keluarga Harapan; b) curative efforts, including the implementation of Program Pengurangan Pekerja Anak in order to support Program Keluarga Harapan; c) development efforts, including the implementation of skill development activities for school dropouts, social education activities; giving Usaha Ekonomi Produktif supports for waifs; sending school dropouts to Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Anak “Dharma Putera” Purworejo and Panti Sosial Marsudi Putera “Antasena” Magelang. (2) Obstacles that Kebumen Government in coping with school dropouts were, a) internal obstacles, such as obstacles from the government as the implementer, that were in the form of; physical obstacles were related to the limited technology, organizational obstacles were related to internal mechanism of an organization that limits the efforts, distributive obstacles were related to the contradiction between efficiency and justice demands, and budgetary obstacles were related to the limited budget b) external obstacles were obstacles from outside of the government as the implementer, such as from school dropouts or their parents


Keywords: Efforts, Kebumen Government, cope with, school dropouts

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