Rani Nur Khotimah, Sutriyati Purwanti, M.Si


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui: 1) tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk; 2) tingkat
kepuasan konsumen terhadap pelayanan di Mr.Teto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Metode
pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner. Populasi penelitian semua konsumen Mr.Teto dihitung dari rata-rata
konsumen perhari yaitu 120 orang. Penentuan sampel menggunakan rumus Isaac dan Michael dengan
tingkat kesalahan 5% didapatkan 89 orang dengan teknik sampling insidental. Analisis data mengunakan
analisis indeks kepuasan pelanggan (IKP) dan tingkat kesesuaian (Tki). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa: 1) rata-rata tingkat kesesuaian indikator kualitas produk nilainya <100%, maka dapat dikatakan
konsumen belum merasa puas terhadap kualitas produk Mr.Teto. Nilai tingkat kesesuaian tertinggi yaitu
indikator kemampuan pelayanan sebesar 95,14%. Sedangkan terendah yaitu indikator fitur sebesar 90,06%;
2) rata-rata tingkat kesesuaian indikator kualitas pelayanan nilainya <100%, maka dapat dikatakan
konsumen belum merasa puas terhadap kualitas pelayanan di Mr.Teto. Nilai tingkat kesesuaian tertinggi
yaitu indikator reliabilitas sebesar 95,15%. Sedangkan terendah yaitu indikator bukti fisik sebesar 85,02%.

Kata kunci : Kepuasan konsumen, produk Mr.Teto, pelayanan Mr.Teto


This research aims to determine: 1) the level of customer satisfaction on the product; 2) the level of
customer satisfaction on service at Mr.Teto. This research was a quantitative research. The data collected
method by questionnaire. The population of the study were all consumers of Mr.Teto which calculated from
the average consumer per day is 120 people. The sample determined used the formula Isaac and Michael
with a signification level 5% generated by 89 people with incidental sampling technique. Data analysis
used analysis of customer satisfaction index and level of suitability. The results of the research show that:
1) the average level of suitability indicator of product is <100%, it can be said that consumers have not
satisfied with the product quality of Mr.Teto. The highest level of suitability is service ability indicator of
95.14%. While the lowest is features indicator of 90.06%; 2) the average level of suitability indicator of
service is <100%, it can be said that consumers have not satisfied with the service quality of Mr.Teto. The
highest level of suitability is service ability indicator of 95.15%. While the lowest is features indicator of
Keywords: customer satisfaction, produk of Mr.Teto, service of Mr.Teto

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jcet.v7i3.11579


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