Religion values in Tradition Seblang Dance in Bakungan Village, Banyuwangi, East Java.

Nuning Dwi Wahyuni, UNY, Indonesia
Dr. M. Mukti M.Sn, UNY, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to describe religion values of tradition in Seblang dance in Bakungan Village, Banyuwangi regency, East Java Province. Tradition in Seblang dance is one of ritual tradition that use as media for saying gratefull to the God, that presentate in some presentation way.
Kualitative approach with descriptive characteristic is use in this research. Subjects of the research are Kase adat of Government tourism and culture Banyuwangi Province, chief of tradition of Seblang dance, seblang dance dancer, handler of tradition seblang dance, music player of seblang dance, and religion figure. Observation method, interview, and documentation are use to collect the data. After the data have been collect, to analyze the data are use data reduction, presentation data, and also take the conclusion. Triangulasi method and triangulation sources are use to validate the data.
The result of the research is show that religion values in tradition seblang dance are (1) relation between God and humans is like pray in kirab to cure water spring. Pray before ider bumi, and etc. Also do Hajat Praying before ider bumi, or before main ceremony dancing Seblak begin and etc. (2) relation between humans, like silaturahmi, mutual coorporation, follow the rules from the start of ceremony to the end of ceremony, and interaction between the support team, and (3) relation between human and nature is like when kirab to the cure water spring, kirab ider bumi with bring result of harvest, and when the dancers take the audience to be rice field hijackers.
Kata kunci : Nilai, Religius, tradisi tari Seblang.


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