Anggar Ari Perwitasari, , Indonesia


This research aimed to investigate: 1) The perspectives Social Studies teachers’ of the
scientific approach, 2) The roles the school’s in the implementation of the scientific approach, and 3)
the implementation of the scientific approach in Social Studies learning at SMP Negeri 15
The research employed the naturalistic qualitative method. The research informants were the
principal, Social Studies teachers, and students of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The data were
collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data trustworthiness in the
research was enhanced by the triangulation technique. The data analysis technique interactive model
by Miles and Huberman.
The results of the research are as follows. 1) Teachers have varied perspectives of the
scientific approach. The scientific approach is viewed as learning to make students active in order to
construct knowledge through scientific steps, namely observing, questioning, collecting information,
associating, and communicating. The teacher acts as a facilitator and a guide only. 2) The school’s
roles in the application of the scientific approach are providing infrastructure facilities, sending
teachers to education and training for Curriculum 2013, and conducting workshops to improve
teachers’ learning quality. 3) The application of the scientific approach in Social Studies learning
includes the following. a) Learning plans start by designing lesson plans referring to the syllabus.
The designed lesson plans have shown learning activities through the scientific approach. b) The
learning implementation includes the introductory activities by creating conducive initial conditions,
using apperception, explaining learning activities to do, and informing assessment techniques. The
main activities through the scientific approach include the activities of observing, questioning,
collecting information, reasoning or associating, and communicating. The closing activities that the
teachers do include concluding learning activities, making a reflection, assigning tasks, and
presenting the next learning plan. c) The learning outcome assessments by the teachers are the
authentic assessments consisting of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor assessments.
Keywords: Scientific Approach, Social Studies Learning

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