Cahyo Harjuno Adi,


This study aimed to: 1) develop an animated film for the sub-theme of concepts and types of
social institutions for social studies learning in Grade VII of the junior high school (JHS), and 2) find out
the appropriateness of the animated film based on the assessment by a materials expert, a media expert, a
Social Studies teacher, and JHS students. This was a research and development (R&D) study referring to
the development model by Sugiyono. The research subjects were Grade VII students of SMP Negeri 3
Kalasan. The validation of the materials contents and learning components was done by the materials
expert; the validation of the display, audio, and animation quality was done by the media expert; the
assessment of the learning and language aspect, content/materials aspect, and display and audio aspect
was done by the Social Studies teacher; and the assessment of the display quality and the learning
resource presentation was done by the students. The data were collected through questionnaires using
validation sheets for the media expert, the materials expert, and assessment sheets for the Social Studies
teacher and the students. The data were analyzed by the quantitative descriptive technique. The results of
the research and development were as follows. 1) The product was an animated film for the sub-theme of
Pengembangan Film Animasi….(Cahyo Harjuna Adi) 3
concepts and types of social institutions for Social Studies learning in Grade VII of JHS. The process to
develop the animated film included: selecting the materials, writing the scenario, making the storyboard,
selecting the dubbers, arranging all the parts to make an animated film, and documenting the film in the
MP4 format. 2) The evaluation of the animated film was done through the validation by the media expert,
the materials expert, and the Social Studies teacher, and the tryout involving the students. Based on the
analysis of the media appropriateness, it could be concluded that all the assessment aspects according to
the media expert, the materials expert, the Social Studies teacher, and the students attained mean scores
in a range of 3.92 – 4.5, which were good and very good. Therefore, the developed animated film for the
sub-theme of concepts and types of social institutions is appropriate in terms of materials and media for
Social Studies learning in Grade VII of JHS.
Keywords: Animated Film, Social Institutions, Social Studies

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