Fitria Zumrotul Alfiyah,


The research background is that the students who have potentials of exceptional
intelligence and/or talent have not got educational services in accordance with their needs.
Educational services can be an acceleration program and an enrichment program. These
programs are very important for teachers to understand students’ development and to
improve the quality of education in general. This study aims to investigate Social Studies
learning strategies in the enrichment program in EI Grade VII of SMPN 5 Yogyakarta. This
was a qualitative study using the naturalistic approach. The setting was the enrichment
program in EI Grade VII of SMPN 5 Yogyakarta. The research object was Social Studies
learning strategies and the informants included the principal, the vice principal in charge of
the curriculum, the Social Studies teacher, and EI Grade VII students. The data on the results
of the study were descriptively presented. The data were collected through observations,
interviews, and documentation. The data trustworthiness was enhanced by credibility through
triangulation and the analysis technique included data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The Social Studies
lesson planning for the enrichment program is made by modifying the syllabus and lesson
plans for the regular classes by inserting enrichment materials and adding or reducing the
time allocation for each basic competency to learn. (2) The Social Studies learning
implementation starts from opening, including the activities of motivating and explaining
learning objectives leading to the materials delivery. The activities are also done by
compacting the curriculum and doing theme-based learning and group learning. (3) The
evaluation of Social Studies learning in the enrichment program is conducted through daily
tests, mid-semester test, and end-semester test. The follow-up activities in the form of remedies
are carried out in this program under the condition that when more than 25% of the students
need a remedy, a group remedy is conducted. However, when less than 25% need a remedy,
the remedy is conducted by reviewing the learning based on the materials that they have not
mastered, answering test items, and summarizing.
Keywords: Strategies, Social Studies Enrichment, Follow-up Activities

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