
This study aims to find outthe relationship of between: (1) the peer companionship and the emotional intelligence; (2) the peer companionship and the Social Studies learning achievement; (3) the emotional intelligence and the Social Studies learning achievement; and (4) the peer companionship and emotional intelligence and the Social Studies learning achievement.

This was a correlational study using the quantitative approach. The research population comprised all the students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantul with a total of 472 students. The sample size was determined by the formula developed by Isaac and Michael and it consisted of 196 students, selected by means of the proportional random sampling technique. The data on the peer companionship and emotional intelligence were collected by quistionare and the data on the learning achievement by the documentation technique. The quistionare were assessed in terms of the construct validity by expert judgment, the empirical validity (external validity) by the product moment correlation, and the reliability by Cronbach’s alpha. The data analysis techniques were the product moment correlation and multiple regression.

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