This research aims to describe the implementation of cultural village institution policies in preserving local culture in the Brosot Village area, Kapanewon Galur, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research was conducted because Brosot Village was one of 32 villages designated as Cultural Villages by the DIY government in 1995 because this area has cultural potential that must be preserved. The research used is naturalistic qualitative research with the research subjects being the village government and the Brosot Village Community. This research uses a purpose sampling technique by considering parties who know and are directly involved. Data collection was carried out using three methods, namely observation, interviews and documentation, which then used triangulation techniques for the validity of the data. Data analysis for this research uses Miles and Huberman's interactive model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this research, the Brosot Cultural Village Institute has a program to preserve three aspects of culture, namely; 1) Aspects of Customs and Traditions, the Cultural Village has the Merti Hamlet and Merti village programs which are carried out once a year with various series of activities involving cooperation of all village communities. 2) Arts aspect, to preserve local arts such as Reog, Angguk, Ketoprak, Ballet, and so on, the Brosot Cultural Village Institute has a cultural carnival program that every hamlet participates in. Apart from that, he also performs this art at potential events, performances at YIA airport, and Seloso Wagen events. 3) Aspects of crafts and arts owned by Brosot include batik, knitting, processed coconut fiber, processed plastic waste, local culinary delights such as geblek, tempe benguk, chips, buntil. The preservation program includes holding exhibitions and writing articles to be published in the Cultural Village bulletin.
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