The researcher investigates the phenomenon of feral children in MAMA movie using a psycholinguistics approach. This research has two objectives: (1) to identify and reveal the speech disfluencies shown by the characters of Victoria Desange and Lilly Desange in MAMA movie and (2) to describe how the society helps Victoria Desange and Lilly Desange develop their language ability as reflected in MAMA movie. This research employed qualitative method. The data were in the form of utterances and pictures, while the contexts of the data were the conversations in the movie. Meanwhile, the sources of the data were MAMA movie and its transcript. The data were collected by selecting the dialogues containing speech disfluencies. The primary instrument of this research was the researcher, while the secondary instrument was a data sheet. The results of this research are stated as follows. First, out of nine types of speech disfluencies, six types of speech disfluencies shown by Victoria and Lilly in MAMA movie. The disfluencies shown by Victoria and Lilly in MAMA movie are hesitation, phrase/sentence repetition, word repetition, prolongations, block and others. The disfluencies that Victoria and Lilly do not experience are interjection, phrase/sentence revision and part-word repetition. From 43 data found in the movie, hesitation and word-repetition have the biggest number of occurrence. Meanwhile, for the treatments done to develop the language ability of the children, there are parties who are involved in helping the children. The parties consist of families and professionals. In family members, it is found that there are five types of domain in parenting that are shown in MAMA movie. The five domains are protection, reciprocity, control, guided learning, and group participation. In addition, the role of professionals in giving the treatments to the feral children is also found in MAMA movie. Those professionals who are involved consist of the clinicians and hypnotherapists.
Keywords: psycholinguistics, feral children, MAMA movie
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