Ruhil Imaroh Al Yumna, , Indonesia


The objectives of this research are to identify: (1) the categories of cultural terms in Madasari’s Entrok, (2) the domestication and foreignization strategies used in translating the culture specific terms in the short stories, and (3) the degree of meaning equivalence of culture specific terms in Madasari’s Entrok realized in Mohamed’s The Years of the Voiceless.

This research used both qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were culture specific terms in Madasari’s Entrok and their translated expressions in Mohamed’s The Years of the Voiceless in the form of words and phrases represented through dialogues and narrations. The main instrument of the research was the researcher herself and the second instruments were data sheet and notes. Furthermore, to achieve the trustworthiness, triangulation method was applied.

This research reveal three findings. In terms of cultural terms, there are five categories. They are ecology, material culture, social culture, social organisations and gesture and habit. Material culture terms are most frequently used terms with 72 terms (50.70%). In terms of translation strategies, there are three foreignization strategies: retention, specification, and direct translation. On the other hand, there are also domestication strategies: generalization, substitution and omission. There are two kinds of mixed strategies namely domestication and foreignization. It is reveal that domestication translation strategy is applied in translating 96 terms (67.60%). In terms of the degree of meaning equivalence, there are 130 terms (91.55%) translated in equivalent meaning. Fully equivalent meaning has the higher frequency with the occurrence of 94 out of 130 or 66.20%, followed by partly equivalent meaning with 36 occurrences out of 130 or 25.35%. It can be concluded that in translating culture specific terms in Madasari’s Entrok  into Mohamed’s The Years of the Voiceless the translator applying both foreignization and domestication techniques.


Keywords: culture specifics terms, domestication, foreignization, Entrok, The Years of the Voiceless

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