Figurative Language in Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones and its Bahasa Indonesia Translation by Syaribah Noor Brice

Bernadia Errisa Maharani,


This research is aimed at 1) describing the types of figurative language found in Howl’s Moving Castle, 2) explaining how they realized the bahasa Indonesia translation text, and 3) explaining the degree of acceptability to translation of the figurative language occurred in Howl’s Moving Castle and their translations.This study applies a descriptive qualitative research method for collecting and describing the data. The data are in the form of phrases and sentences which contained figurative language found in Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones and their bahasa Indonesia translation by Syaribah Noor Brice. This research reveals three results. First, the types of figurative language found in Howl’s Moving Castle are simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, synecdoche, and metonymy. Simile is mostly used in Howl’s Moving Castle. Second, there are two translation strategies which occur in Howl’s Moving Castle as figurative language to figurative language strategy and figurative language to non figurative language strategy. Figurative language to figurative language strategy is mostly used. Third, there are two categories in the degree of acceptability which occur in Howl’s Moving Castle as acceptable category and less acceptable category.


Keywords:   stylistics,   figurative   language,   Howl’s   Moving   Castle,   translation strategies, degree of acceptability

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