Widya Rosanita, , Indonesia


This research is under the scope of pragmatics which has the aims to (1) find out the medical terms used to create humor in Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 TV series; (2) identify the types of humor using medical terms in Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 TV series; and (3) explain the functions of humor using medical terms in Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 TV series. The researcher applied the descriptive qualitative method. The form of the data used in this study was utterances and the contexts were dialogues taken from Grey’s Anatomy Season 2. The main instrument of the study was the researcher herself. To enhance trustworthiness of the data in this study, triangulation was employed. Then, the research reveals three findings. The first is that the medical terms which are employed by the characters to create humor in Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 covering five basic medical terminology. They are disease, medicine, hospital position, anatomy, and medication process. Humor employed by the characters is represented in the forms of jokes and spontaneous conversational humor since unintentional humor does not occur in the data. In spontaneous conversational humor, nine forms are employed by the characters. They are irony, sarcasm, overstatement, self-deprecation, teasing, replies to rhetorical question, clever replies to serious statements, double entendres, and transformations of frozen expressions. Finally, only three out of four functions of humor that are found, i.e. social management, decommitment, and mediation.


Keywords: pragmatics, humor, medical terms, Grey’s Anatomy Season 2

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Electronic Sources

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