Rainy Ayu Gustira, , Indonesia


This research aims to identify (1) what kind of critique on child beauty pageant reflected in Little Miss Sunshine and (2) to identify how the critique on child beauty pageant is exposed by the movie. To answer these objectives, this research applied ualitative research method and employed Catharine A. MacKinnon’s theory of ominance Feminism.
The findings of this research show that there are two important points. First, Dayton and
Faris’ Little Miss Sunshine criticizes the existence of (1) social power construction (gender hierarchy and (2) women’s objectification. The existence of social power construction is shown by the existence of (1) sameness approach and (2) difference approach as methods of
measuring women through patriarchal perception. Meanwhile the women’s objectification is revealed to be (1) the existence of social standard to objectify women and (2) the existence of pornography as a method of sexually objectifying women. The critique on child beauty pageant reflected in Dayton and Faris' Little Miss Sunshine is represented by through (1) the shots to reveal the whole mood, (2) the angles emphasizes how the subject matters, (3) the color to build an emotional and (4) the music to suggests the spirit of the film. Hence, those findings reveal the critique on child beauty pageant and to give awareness about the existence of gender domination that lives within the society.
Keywords: feminism, second wave feminism, dominance feminist, film theory, film elements.

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