Rizal Rustoni Maulana, , Indonesia


This study focuses only on the spelling changes of English loanwords translation in the Indonesian version of the Angels and Demons novel. The aims of the study are: (1) to describe the types of English loan words found in the Indonesian version of Angels and Demons novel, (2) to describe the spelling changes on the English loan words found in the Indonesian version of  Angels and Demons novel, and (3) to describe the translation method used to translate the English Loanwords in the Indonesian version of Angels and Demons novel.The study applies the descriptive qualitative method applying the content analysis technique. The data are taken from the English and Indonesian version of Angels and Demons novel. Corpuses of the data were in the forms of loan words in Indonesian.The findings of the research show that: First, there are three types of loan words found in the Indonesian version of the novel, they are English loan word in the form of simple words with 61 occurrences or 61.00%, in the form of complex word has 38 occurrences or 38.00% and in the form of translated word has 1 occurrences or 1.00%. Second, there are six types of spelling adjustment used to translate the loan words in the novel, they are single vowel adjustment with 5 occurrences or 5.00%, double vowels adjustment with 10 occurrences or 10.00%, single consonant adjustment with 42 occurrences or 42.00%, double consonants adjustment with 25 occurrences or 25.00%, consonant cluster with 1 occurrences or 1.00%, and affix adjustment with 17 occurrences or 17.00%. Third, there are only five translation methods used to translate the loan words from SL to TL, they are literal translation method with 97 occurrences or 97.00%, faithful translation method with 0 occurrences, free translation with 0 occurrences, adaptation method with 0 occurrences, and communicative translation method with 3 occurrences or 3.00%.

Keywords: Loan Words, Angels and Demons, Spelling, Translation

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