A Pragmatic Analysis of Maxim Flouting in Hunger Games Movie

Rizky Yulia Nursanti, , Indonesia


This research aims to analyze the maxim flouting conveyed by the characters of Hunger Games movie. The objectives of this research are to identify the types of maxim flouting conveyed by the characters of Hunger Games movie and to describe the functions of maxim flouting conveyed by the characters of Hunger Games movie. This research was a qualitative-quantitative method in this research, which means this research used both a qualitative and a quantitative method. The data were collected from the utterances of all the characters containing maxim flouting in Hunger Games movie. The context of the data is the dialogue, and Hunger Games movie and its transcript are the sources of the data. There are two results of this research. The first result is that all types of the maxim are flouted by the characters of Hunger Games movie. In terms of dominance, the maxim of relation flouting is in the highest rank while the maxim of quantity flouting and the maxim of manner flouting are in the lowest rank. Then, the second result is that the maxims flouting found in this movie have four functions: representative, directive, commissive, and expressive. One function which is the declarative function cannot be found in this movie since this function only occurs when the speaker has to have a special institutional role to  change  the  state of  affairs in  reality.  In  this  case,  the  characters in this  movie  do  not  have this characterization. On the other hand, the most dominant function of the maxim flouting found in Hunger Games movie is the representative function.


Keywords: pragmatics, maxim flouting, Hunger Games


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