Wisnu Prabowo, English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia



The objectives of this research were to describe the linguistic forms, the types of implicatures found in each slogan found in Time Magazine, and to explain the implied meanings of each slogan found in Time Magazine. This research was descriptive-qualitative in nature. The data of this research were 50 slogans written on commercial advertisements taken from Time Magazine published on November 2017 until June 2018.  The magazines were including 13 editions of International Time Magazine and 7 editions of USA Time Magazine. This research started from collecting and selecting the data, classifying the elements of the data, analyzing and interpreting, applying the trustworthiness, presenting the findings, and writing conclusions. The data of this research were in the forms of phrases and sentences which exposed the phenomenon of implicatures. There were 22 phrases and 28 sentences. Moreover, the 33 slogans applied generalized implicature and 17 others were applying particularized implicature. The results of this research showed that the additional conveyed meanings of the slogans were used to attract the readers’ attention to buy their products/services by promoting the excellences, benefits, advantages, and brief information related.


Keywords: advertisement, slogan, linguistic forms, implicature, meaning



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk linguistik, jenis implikatur, dan menjelaskan makna tersirat dari masing-masing slogan yang ditemukan di Time Magazine. Penelitan ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah 50 slogan yang tertulis pada iklan komersial yang diambil dari Time Magazine yang dipublikasikan pada November 2017 hingga Juni 2018. Majalah tersebut termasuk 13 edisi International Time Magazine dan 7 edisi USA Time Magazine. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengumpulkan dan memilih data, mengklasifikasikan komponen data, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data, menerapkan trustworthiness, menuliskan hasil analisis, dan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Data penelitian ini berupa frasa dan kalimat yang menggunakan fenomena implikatur. Terdapat 22 frasa dan 28 kalimat. Selain itu, 33 slogan ditemukan menerapkan generalized implicature dan 17 lainnya menerapkan particularized implicature. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tambahan makna pada slogan digunakan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca untuk membeli produk/layanan dengan mempromosikan keunggulan, manfaat, keuntungan, dan informasi singkat terkait.


Kata kunci: iklan, slogan, bentuk linguistic implikatur, arti

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